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Founding Sisters

Anna Craven

Class of 2018

Amanda Ehrmann

Class of 2018

Marisa Kaplan

Class of 2018

Genna Karp

Class of 2018

Jamie Lee

Class of 2018

Danielle Simms 

Class of 2018


Shelli Weiler

Class of 2018


A Message from Our Founders

The 7 founders of Alpha Pi Phi's Theta Chapter decided to venture off into the known of starting a new sorority on their campus in the summer and fall of 2015. They sought to create a true environment of sisterhood on campus, with a heavy focus on academics and philanthropy, as well as opportunities for leadership. In this search, they found Alpha Pi Phi. The founders of Theta Chapter felt a presence missing on campus, a place of unique sisterhood that they desired. So they created it! With perseverance, and much help from ICAAP, Alpha Pi Phi was born on Nov 15th, 2015. Life for its sisters has never been the same since!

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