Theta Chapter
Each member of Alpha Pi Phi is unconditionally loved and celebrated for the unique and individual personalities they bring to our organization. We show our love for each other and our letters in everything we do, whether it be reaching out to a sister you haven't see in a while, texting your big or little(s) just to say hi, or repping letters whenever we can. We truly love APP and one another.
Loyalty is all about not turning your back on something or someone you have made a promise to. This means we are loyal to our sisters by respecting, loving, and supporting one another, loyal to our organization by abiding by our policies such as our anti-hazing policy, and loyal to ourselves by allowing ourselves to reach our highest level of leadership, philanthropic, and academic excellence.
As a sisterhood we are committed to helping and supporting each other in every way possible. Whether it is homework help, cheering each other on at sporting events, or simply being there to listen. No two sisters are the same, and that unique characteristic is what brings the friendships formed within APP beyond that of a typical friendship; we truly are sisters.
Our Sisterhood
Our sisterhood is a special bond, unbreakable by any force, bound by the virtues of Love, Loyalty and Friendship. Our members represent a group of unique, passionate, inspiring women who come together to support the pillars of sisterhood, philanthropy, academics, and leadership, as well as each other. We strive as a collective group to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all our sisters to grow and learn. As sisters, we laugh together, cry together, ugly cry together, and grow alongside one another. We are privy to the sacred knowledge of our organization and hold our heads highest when wearing our letters. Each member is loved unconditionally by our Phi love for one another and encouraged to be no one other than authentically themselves.
Keep it tight, ladies!
Our Newest Sisters - Epsilon Class

Welcome to our newest class - Epsilon Class! We are so happy to welcome you all to our sisterhood, bound infinitely by love, loyalty, and friendship. We were so happy to watch you grow throughout the course of the semester and we are so proud of all that you have accomplished! Alpha Pi Phi is five amazing women stronger now that you are all a part of it. Keep it tight, ladies!
For more information on how to become a sister, please visit our recruitment page.
A Message From Our Sisterhood Chair
Hello! My name is Isabel, and I am so excited to be serving as Sisterhood Chair for this semester!
To quote the first line of our mission statement, "the purpose of Alpha Pi Phi is to promote a sisterhood united through love, loyalty, and friendship..."
What does this look like? This is the laugher heard across campus as sisters walk to class together. This is the vulnerability sisters can show in front of each other on the harder days. This is a sister giving you your favorite candy right before that big test. Alpha Pi Phi is a collective of talented, spirited, kindhearted, intellectual women. We celebrate each sister for being her best, authentic self each and every day.
I am so excited to help promote this community built on sisterhood through my chair position. Stay tuned for some fun, exciting events!
Phi Love,
Isabel Lahn-Schroeder
Sisterhood Chair of Alpha Pi Phi - Theta Chapter