Theta Chapter
Our Pillars

First and foremost, Alpha Pi Phi Sorority is based on sisterhood. Every sister in Alpha Pi Phi is cherished for her individuality and uniqueness. Each member has a love for their sisters, is fiercely loyal to them, and will have everlasting friendships that continue to flourish.
Whether you are in need of a study buddy to help hammer out that final paper or just someone to talk to in the middle of the night, our sisterhood provides members with an incredible support system and the bond shared between sisters is irreplaceable!
Alpha Pi Phi recognizes the importance of giving back to the community and making a difference in the lives of others. We do this by donating and dedicating our time to various charities and events throughout the year. Our official philanthropy is the Alzheimer Society of Canada. By holding successful money-raising events (such as bake sales), thousands of dollars of proceeds are donated each semester to this organization.
Once a year, each Chapter of Alpha Pi Phi participates in their local Walk for Memories event, which brings awareness and funding to alzheimer's and other types of dementia. In addition to the Alzheimer Society, Alpha Pi Phi sisters do various philanthropy work both on campus and in the community. Between bottle drives and adopting streets, you are sure to see our sisters out and about doing good and giving back!

Within our organization, we place a strong emphasis on striving for academic excellence. Many sisters in each of our Chapters have received the honour of Dean's List and are constantly working to maintain high academic standing and achieve their academic goals. Many Alpha Pi Phi sisters participate in academic exchanges in other countries, co-op terms, as well as continue learning by pursuing graduate degrees.
Many younger sisters have the benefit of learning from older sisters who are in the same degree program and can help with exam preparation and sharing text books!
Sisters of Alpha Pi Phi are involved in countless extra-curricular activities on campus and in the community. Many girls are involved in their faculty student associations and take on leadership roles in organizing campus activities.
No matter which University campus you are on, you are sure to see Alpha Pi Phi sisters participating in the welcome week's in September as orientation leaders. Being involved in other student groups outside of Alpha Pi Phi is very important to the sisters as it allows them to build experience, network with new people and make their undergraduate student experience that much more memorable by leaving their mark on the school.