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A Summer in Berlin

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Me with German watermelon drink and pretzel in Potsdam

Hi everyone! My name is Amanda. As a German minor, I have always been interested in German culture and language. This summer I was offered a wonderful opportunity to study abroad in Berlin with IES. This program allowed me to live in German-speaking environment for six weeks, practicing my German language and exploring the culture of this nation, through which I developed my independence, leadership and global perspective.

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During my summer abroad, I took the Advanced German class and German art history class for six weeks at IES Berlin Study Center. I was able to practice my German daily my classmates and my German host mom. At the end of program, I was able to use German introduce my favorite artwork, favorite places in Berlin. It was so much fun! I become much more fluent in German and more confident speaking this language.

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A lovely birthday breakfast at our garden

As a museum person, I really enjoyed my German art and architecture course and I have visited so many museums and galleries in Berlin. In class, we talked about the development of German art from 18th century romanticism to postmodernism. I learnt how to study the paintings and interpret them such as the structure, style, techniques and the painter’s purpose. Berlin has an abundance of museums and art galleries. I was able to use the art analytical skills I learnt in class. Moreover, I was so excited seeing the masterpieces Monk by the Sea and Wanderer above the Sea of Fog in real.

The Berlin Wall

I have gained more independence and confidence and I am very looking forward to studying or working abroad in Germany in the future. Overall, I feel really grateful for this journey and would definitely recommend everyone to explore this amazing country!

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