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Welcoming the Zeta Class!

Theta Chapter is thrilled to welcome our small but mighty Zeta Class into our

sorority! Throughout their six-week pledging period, they grew as young women and sisters and developed special relationships with every sister they spoke to. We are so excited to have welcomed them and can’t wait to see what they will accomplish as official sisters. Here are their reasons for joining!

Our two proud Zetas from left to right: Jessie and Angela

Jessie: “At first, I went to Meet and Greek only because my friend was going. But when I started to talk to members at the rush event in Chums, I realized that I like these girls. APP is the only sorority I rushed and I’m surprised by how nice everyone is. APP makes me feel loved and supported!”

Angela: “As a freshman, I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and make new friends! The sorority is where I can earn sincere friendship and sisterhood. Every sister in Alpha Pi Phi is very welcoming and the vibe is just so amazing! These strong young women are not only my friends and back up but also my role models.”

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